Simply click on your region on the map below to find your Pests and Weeds
Welcome To "Pests and Weeds Central"
New Zealand's Information Center For All Things Pests or Weeds.
Here is where you will find the best information for eradicating or managing these troublesome organisms.
A huge database created maintained and shared and updated by New Zealand's Regional Councils and the Department of Conservation
Map and Track the movement of pests and weeds across New Zealand.
Upload images and videos, with hundreds of tips, tricks, management techniques.
Join thousands of like-minded Kiwis to ensure this generation leaves our land in better shape than when we inherited it.
Look through our library to identify, or upload your own image and our experts will identify it for you
Rules, regulations, eradication techniques. Information on poisons and the best times to use them
All plants, animals, and insects need to be managed...but with Pests and Weeds it is vital to ensure our delicate environment is protected
Once you have your pests and weeds under control it is important to continue to watch and maintain your environment.
Improvement Cycle
Every month our developers add more functionality
Easy API Integration
Integrated with public systems from around NZ
Images and Videos
Add pictures and video and pin where it was taken
Map and Track
Work with a team of likeminded Kiwi's to trace and eradicate pest & weeds
The Best Community & Council
For Pest & Weed Monitoring,
Mapping & Eradication
Initially developed for Northland Regional Council the Pest & Weed Hub (as it was known then) won first prize at ALGIM (Association of Local Government Information Management) Since then it has been removed from Northland and now stands alone as a shared database for a multitude of Regional Councils and Organisations.
Get The Advice You Need, When You Need It
Simply select your region and get the information you are looking for when you need it!
Upload and share 24/7
Share your findings, locations, and images with the rest of New Zealand.
Let's protect New Zealand's fragile ecosystems from all potential threats.
Get Involved Today!
Pest & Weed Central is improving
New Zealand's Land, Water & Environment
"Sweet pittosporum is a slender-branched shrub or tree which can grow to 12 m tall in its natural habitat. Sweet pittosporum invades native forest areas and shades out native plants. Its leaves contain toxins that can inhibit the growth of other plants.
Source: Ministry for Primary Industries.
Weed Of The Month
Sweet pittosporum
"The American cockroach Periplaneta americana grows to a length of 2.5 centimetres to 4 centimetres and is known to be very mobile.
American cockroaches can become a public health problem due to their association with human waste and disease, and their ability to move from sewers into homes and commercial establishments.
Source: Ministry for Primary Industries.
Animal Of The Month
American Cockroach
Our Partners
Our Partners in cleaning up New Zealand
Additional Information
Useful Initiatives To Help Keep New Zealand Beautiful
Haumaru koiora
If harmful pests and diseases get into New Zealand, they can cause damage. Biosecurity focuses on stopping them at the border or getting rid of the ones already here.
Biosecurity New Zealand
What we do
Established in April 2009, the Sustainable Coastlines Charitable Trust is a multi award-winning New Zealand charity that exists to connect people to nature and inspire change.
Sustainable Coastlines
Predator Free 2050 Limited is a Crown-owned, charitable company established to help deliver the New Zealand government’s ambitious goal of eradicating possums, stoats and rats by 2050.
Predator Free New Zealand 2050
Working Together
We Can Accomplish Anything!
Many schools are using Pest & Weed Central as the basis for students extracurricular educational activities.
National Network
A combination of schools, businesses and government departments make up a national network which has been created to ensure we look after New Zealand for generations to come.
Whether you are searching for information or have recorded information you wish to share with others we hope you make Pest and Weed Central the place to do it.
Data Tracking
As we collect more data from our staff as well as people from around the country we will be able to map and track diseases such as Kauri dieback.
Ideas on how to improve
our service?
We would love to hear from you